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Butang Snap, Snap Button, 母爪扣 DIY Accessories

Regular price
RM 4.00
Regular price
RM 4.00
Sale price
RM 4.00
Snap butang berukuran 9.5mm.
Senang dipasang tak payah jahit, cuma tekan saja dengan pemasang.
50pcs set = 1 Plier dan 50 Butang Atas, 50 Butang Bawah dan 100 Clip. = 200 butang.
100 pcs set = 1 Plier dan 100 Butang Atas, 100 Butang Bawah dan 200 clips. = 400 butang.
Sebarang pertanyaan sila hubungi kami dengan menggunakan fungsi Chat / WhatsApp 0146990572
Website: https://www.mystylehandmade.com/collections/all

Measurement: 9.5mm

Easy to install, no need to sew, just press it with the fixer.
50pcs set = 1 Plier and 50 Top Buttons, 50 Bottom Buttons and 100 Clips.= 200 pcs
100 pcs set = 1 Plier and 100 Top Buttons, 100 Bottom Buttons and 200 clips. = 400 pcs
Any questions please contact us using the Chat / WhatsApp function 0146990572
Website: https://www.mystylehandmade.com/collections/all

测量 9.5 毫米。
50 件套 = 1 把钳子和 50 个顶部纽扣、50 个底部纽扣和 100 个夹子。
100 件套 = 1 把钳子和 100 个顶部纽扣、100 个底部纽扣和 200 个夹子。